You Dream It, We Create It
We, here at Zillionica, believe in a practical approach as theoretical knowledge alone won’t be of help in a real-time work environment. We use java for developing the web-based application because it provides vast support for web development through Servlet, JSP, and Struts. It is the reason that Java is also known as a server-side programming language. Using these technologies, we can develop a variety of applications. The most popular frameworks Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, used for developing web-based applications. LinkedIn, AliExpress,, IRCTC, etc. are the popular websites that are written using Java programming language.
- All the advance java projects can be downloaded in Eclipse, Myeclipse and Netbeans IDE's.
- Projects have SRS including Objective of the project, Users of the Project and their Role, Functional Requirement, Non-functional requirement etc.
- Projects have detailed information of How Project Works?, including Snapshots of the project in the document file with full illustration.
- For Servlet and JSP projects, you need to create table in the database manually. Go to src folder, there is given Listener class, open this class and see the table structure only. Now create the table in the oracle 10g database. All the column names must be same as mentioned in the table query, id must be primary key and generated by sequence.
- For Oracle 10g database, we are assuming that username is system and password is oracle.
Zillionica make your business notions into realism by offering powerful and visually appealing and are tailored to your needs through customized Python Web development services.
We render python platforms like Pyglet, WxPython, IronPython, Tkinter, etc., to build web and desktop applications for businesses from various domains.
We strengthen your iOS and Android mobile applications or approach to provide access to your platform information via secure, stabilized web services and APIs.
Trustworthy and comfy Python migration with other platforms utilizing third-party modules.
Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It seamlessly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages. We are having hands-on experience in Apache Spark Core, Apache Spark Streaming and Kafka. On the development side We have good experience on java python and Scala based application with containerisation environment. Apart from it majorly worked on AWS cloud platform and now also developing some application which is going to deploy on Azure in scalable manner. In practice, the development of domain-specific applications often requires domain-specific language extensions. Scala provides a unique combination of language mechanisms that make it straightforward to add new language constructs in the form of libraries. In many cases, this can be done without using meta-programming facilities such as macros. For example:
- Implicit classes allow adding extension methods to existing types.
- String interpolation is user-extensible with custom interpolators.
Tableau is a powerful Data Visualization Tool which is often called as Data Analytics or Business intelligence (BI) Tool. Zillionica Uses Tableau which contains a different set of processes such as visualization, exploration, and analysis of data and has different uses. Please find the below sections, where Tableau has been used widely and effectively.
The different types of needs and requirements of the organizations can be fulfilled by Tableau by getting its data analyzed in very depth. The requirement of an organization can be based on the requirement of the client and applications of the product or program or an application.
The data from different data sources can easily be analyzed and report can be generated which can be easily understood at first sight. The data will be analyzed in different ways by extracting, loading and transforming.
The is another kind of process in which uses of Tableau performs the process of data analysis by summarizing the important characteristics of the data sets into a non-redundant information. The visual dashboards in Tableau can give different kinds of representations such as Pictorial representations, Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, tabular or Graphical representations.
Nemo Enim
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
Magni Dolore
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque
Eiusmod Tempor
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi